Saturday, November 10, 2007

Catching Up

Hi everyone. It's us, the Caldwells. This is our blog. Hopefully it will keep everyone abreast of our adoption process. Brennan Xiao Caldwell is waiting for us in Nanjing, China. She's 4, she's cute and she's almost ours.

Here's what we have so far:

Feb, 2006 - We decided to adopt from China. The great "paperchase" began.

Oct, 2006 - We were DTC (Dossier to China)

Nov, 2006 - LID, or log in date. This is a big deal in the adoption community. Much hinges on this date.

May, 2007 - Matched to Zhang Xiao Nan (Brennan's Chinese name)

Sept, 2007 - We're LOI (Letter of Intent) This tells China that we want to adopt a specific child

This brings us to now. We're waiting for LOA. This is China's acknowledgment and approval of the adoption. We keep hearing that it should be here "any day now." So when it gets here I'll put up another post.

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